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Aug. 13 2018
For the second year in a row, Hoard’s Dairyman has captured the top three webinar awards from the American Agricultural Editor’s Association (AAEA)
Aug. 6 2018
At the American Guernsey Association’s national convention held in June, outstanding cows and herds received awards for their achievements from the previous year
Aug. 3 2018
Last week, I attended the Inaugural Dairy Experience Forum, a conference on engaging today’s consumers to build dairy demand
July 30 2018
Wisconsin’s Marathon county was a logging community until the late 1800s. At that time, farmers permanently settled in the area, pulling up tree stumps and planting crops to feed their livestock
July 23 2018
“Where are our consumers spending time on social media?” I get this question a lot from farmers and dairy industry communication professionals during my training sessions
July 16 2018
“It’s a game changer,” shared Ev Thomas of Oak Point Agronomics during the Hoard’s Dairyman webinar, when talking about forage advancements in alfalfa production
LTC_Kevin Gierach
July 9 2018
Each spring Lakeshore Technical College holds their annual graduation banquet in Northeast Wisconsin. It is a chance for the students to introduce themselves to the dairy industry and thank their families,...
June 25 2018
The Hoard’s Dairyman Facebook page received an inquiry about the sign below. Perhaps, you’ve seen it before
June 18 2018
Well-respected hoof care specialist, Karl Burgi, presented the June webinar, “Supervise hoof health with a ‘No lameness tolerance policy.’”
June 11 2018
While silage is not being packed this time of year, the feed storage area is still a dangerous place
June 4 2018
We know Bucky Badger is the mascot for the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is found at sporting events, band concerts, and all sorts of places in between
May 21 2018
It’s not just what we feed calves when they are young, but also how they are fed that will set the stage for their long-term eating behavior
May 11 2018
Volunteering at a judging contest that I participated in during high school has been a rewarding experience
Sexism in Dairy
May 9 2018
Growing up on a dairy farm, I was never treated like the girl. I was given all the same opportunities as my brothers, and it was up to me to take them
May 7 2018
The pericardium from a cow is now used to repair human heart valves
May 3 2018
“You are smart.” “You know cows.” “You can tell stories.”
April 30 2018
Last week, I had a very early morning flight from the West Coast to the Midwest. I would be on the flight for four hours followed by an immediate three and a half hour shuttle ride
April 23 2018
A typical stroll down the grocery store aisle exposes the shopper to almost 40,000 different products
April 17 2018
This past week we had the privilege of hosting 80 middle school students to our farm for a tour
April 16 2018
“There’s a new calf killer in town” was the title of the April 2018 Hoard’s Dairyman webinar